Hello And Welcome to Hotel Santo Tomas
Why you should BOOK your room reservation here on the hotel's direct website.
Best Price found on the Internet: Guaranteed, especially for the higher priced rooms ( A Better Value here) .
Greater Inventory availably here. We offer rooms here not available on other sites.
Do you like being placed on hold by Expedia, Hotels, Orbitz, Travelocity, Booking, Priceline, ect for long periods wasting your time. Look no further and waste no more time. When you need assistance or have questions: Dial Direct from USA, 011 506 2255-0448, Skype Hotel Santo Tomas, 24/7 English Speakers on staff or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Use our easy real time live reservation system to select your dates and room type . Instant confirmation emailed to you. Just select the reservation button above.
Here is the difference between a hotel room and accommodations. I personally will welcome you in the breakfast area and be happy to assist you with all of your questions.
We offer accommodations ! That is the difference.
And in closing: lets help keep the small businessman in business, book us direct and everyone saves !
Free Hot Cooked Breakfast & Wi-Fi, Fitness Center, Jacuzzi, Swimming pool, covered parking ($10 plus sales tax), open air and covered outdoor terraces and many other extras, plus prices from around $52.00 US Dollars is what keeps us in Trip Advisor's top 5 of over 85: San Jose, Costa Rica Hotels!
Located in San Jose’s Oldest Historical District, Barrio Amon, Costa Rica.
We are a Small Boutique Hotel, just right for the family or single person traveling, who desires safe, quiet and clean accommodations in San Jose. An ideal location where you may easily spend several days taking day tours, shopping, enjoying the many parks, museums and other cultural activities for you and your family while in San Jose.
Location map